Planner training on the QFire fireman’s switch for photovoltaic systems

As diverse as our fire department switch is, so are the questions about it!


We know it's not that easy. QFire BIG or Standard? What does the slave control box do and why a delay circuit? How many surge arresters can I plan for and why? How does this work with the connection to the fire alarm control panel? What does galvanic isolation mean, what is the difference between a control box and a switch box, how does the fireman's switch switch switch off and why can it also switch on again automatically? How does this work with arc-free switching and undervoltage and cable break detection? And above all: How can I dimension the QFire (up to the megawatt range)?

For this reason, we have decided to offer you a training course. We would like to involve you in the scheduling process to find the ideal day/time for you and ask you to fill out the following form if you are interested.

QFire training PV fire department switches Standards Planning Design

QFire Planner training

planned for early summer 2023

Innovapark 20, 87600 Kaufbeuren



We would like to discuss the following topics with you:


Switch-off devices on the DC side of PV systems
▪ Products
▪ Standards
▪ Planning aid
▪ Planning
▪ Interpretation
▪ Dimensioning
▪ Surge protection different classes

Interested in a planner training course on our incredibly versatile QFire firefighting switch?

Haben Sie noch weitere Themen, die Sie gerne in der Schulung mit behandelt hätten?
Mit wem dürfen wir die Schulung weiter planen?

Was ergibt 3+3+3?

Ich stimme zu, dass meine Angaben und Daten zum Zweck der Bearbeitung meiner Anfrage für maximal 6 Monate gespeichert werden. Der Zeitraum von 6 Monaten beinhaltet die weitere Verwendung bei einem möglichen Auftrag. Hinweis: Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit per E-Mail an widerrufen.