If you have a dog and take it for a walk, you will be familiar with the "dog waste bags" required for this and the associated dog toilets that cities and municipalities set up to ensure that Bello's droppings end up where they belong. But do you know the smart version?
The smart dog toilet not only has a bag dispenser and a waste garbage can, but also great intelligence: a magnetic sensor measures how many dog waste bags are still in the bag dispenser and an ultrasonic sensor measures how many droppings are already in the waste garbage can. This information is sent from a computer via radio - LoRa WAN - to a server where it is analyzed in a database. The sensor data is transmitted directly to the respective municipality and can be retrieved there using a PC or smartphone.
In this way, you can reliably ensure that the bags are always available and that the waste garbage can does not overflow - and that dog owners accept the offer of a dog toilet. The perfect solution for dog waste!
No more trouble with dog mess - for more cleanliness in cities and communities!
This system is used in cities and municipalities, which can now specifically empty full bins and refill empty bag containers.
belloo - the well-known brand name for dog toilets, dispensers and dog waste bags
The Swiss family-owned company practica specializes in the development of practical, market-driven systems for dog waste and litter disposal. practica produces belloo products in Switzerland, Germany or in the immediate vicinity of the border out of conviction. The product line has existed since 1967.
>> Click here to go to the practica website

Are you interested in belloo dog toilets? Please mark with a cross what applies!
Cities & municipalities: Project signpost "Dog excrement"
Are there problems with dog waste in your town or municipality? Is disposal not yet organized?
Or have you already installed bag dispensers, but still haven't achieved any noticeable improvement?
We know what to do!
Read here how you can set up a practicable waste disposal system that is accepted by all citizens in 10 steps!
10 steps to efficient dog waste disposal
Step 1: Define project goals, time frame and contact person
Define: What do you want to have achieved by when? e.g. "Halve the time spent on removing droppings from playgrounds by the depot within 6 months"
The project needs a "head", a contact person where all the threads come together.
Step 2: Involve dog owners in the planning process
Inform the dog owners in your town or municipality about the project at a very early stage and involve them in the planning. In this way, you can motivate this group of people to contribute important information (e.g. suitable locations for stations with bag dispensers / waste garbage cans) and promote your project to the public.
Step 3: Determine inventory data
To plan the locations for the stations, determine the following data for your city or municipality:
- urban / rural
- Surface area
- Number of inhabitants, number of dogs
- "Walking routes" / parks / playgrounds / school buildings / fountains
- touristic yes / no
- Waste garbage cans (already available, where? sufficient?)
- Final disposal (incineration / landfill?)
Step 4: Selecting the locations
Various factors must be taken into account when planning the locations.
- Good accessibility for dog owners and maintenance staff in all weathers
- Highly visible, public points on "gas routes"
- Busy locations with social control
- Use existing mounting options (e.g. wall, pole, etc.)
- Exclusions:
- School routes, playgrounds
- Meeting places for young people or people suffering from addiction
- near water sources (rivers/streams, fountains, pumps, etc.)
Make sure that there is a litter garbage can at least every 300 meters and a bag dispenser every 500 meters on the usual walking routes. Dog waste disposal can only function properly if stations are installed throughout the city. Nobody likes to go for a walk with a full poop bag in their hand!
Step 5: Determine material requirements
The material requirements depend on the selected locations. Use existing mounting options. This reduces the amount of material required and shortens the installation time.
Step 6: Public relations
Present the project in a positive and original way to everyone in your town or community, not just dog owners. Use existing cooperations,
the press office, the official gazette and, if possible, an agency that identifies with the project.
- Information flyer with all important regulations, handling and the locations of the stations
- Posters for display in municipal facilities and the shop windows of retailers
- Press releases (project start, then at least every six months for special campaigns such as spring cleaning)
- a website with a list of station locations, important information and links to the project partners.
The importance of public relations work should not be underestimated. Because this way you reach a lot of people, people talk about 'your' topic and there is positive pressure on dog owners.
Step 7: Assembly
Assembly and public relations work should take place simultaneously. As a rule, the stations are set up by the building or maintenance depot, the parks department or the municipal street cleaning service.
Step 8: Maintain stations regularly
Regular inspection, maintenance and filling of the dispensers is extremely important. As a rule, these activities are also carried out by the construction or maintenance yard, the green space office or the municipal street cleaning service.
Dog owners will only accept the system if the stations are always sufficiently stocked and the waste garbage cans are emptied. Procure bags that are tear-resistant and waterproof. Pay attention to quality, not just price!
Step 9: Inauguration event
Organize a housewarming event. In this way, you can create a positive atmosphere on this important topic and be sure that every dog owner knows: clean disposal is mandatory from now on!
Step 10: Further measures
Observe the project. Have citizen surveys carried out on satisfaction with the waste disposal system. Create a press release every now and then. So the topic is not forgotten. Also inform newcomers about the project. Make it clear: even 'organic' bags belong in the residual waste, not in nature!