Smart City – Intelligent Networking and IoT Applications


The "Internet of Things" offers great added value, not only to cities, but also to municipalities, markets and villages. With a "smart city" (or even a "smart village"), resources can be used better and money can be saved - not always obvious at first glance and not even in the short term. In the medium and long term, however, a technological-ecological transformation leads to great added value. Parallel to the cost savings, it also significantly improves the services offered by a city or municipality.

The "Internet of Things" connects things: smartphones and laptops connect to servers, which connect to sensors, devices and machines to form a large digital network in which everyone communicates with everyone else. In real time.

IoT Internet of Things Smart City Applications


LoRaWAN® radio technology for smart city applications


This technology has the advantage of being cheaper and easier to install than the new mobile phone standard 5G. WLAN needs a lot of power and does not reach far enough.

LoRaWAN stands for Long Range Wide Area Network and, in contrast to known data transmission systems such as Bluetooth or WLAN, only transmits small data sets, but these over long distances. Because of this, the system requires little energy and is very low-maintenance.

Sensors or controllers are connected via a gateway to a cloud server, which then informs about changes or sends commands to the sensors. These actions can then be carried out online from anywhere.

In Switzerland and the Netherlands, there is already a nationwide LoRaWAN communication infrastructure. According to a McKinsey study, German cities are in the lower midfield in terms of their digitalisation in an international comparison, but development is progressing.


Is LoRaWAN available in your community? Not sure? Or do you need a LoRa network?

No problem, we are working here with a professional partner with great technical expertise who can help you transform your city or municipality into a "Smart City" as well. Minimise your administrative costs, optimise your workflows, improve your citizen service and drive environmental protection!

LoRaWAN Radio Functionality


Our applications in the field of IoT | Smart City & Accessories