Photovoltaics information event: Solar power & solar storage are worthwhile!

Photovoltaics information event - solar power and solar storage are worthwhile

Start your personal energy transition!

Take the opportunity and let the LEW energy experts from the LEW energy experts on our information day on the LEW solar packages!

🌞 Regional, flexible & reliable from a single source

🌞 Certified and competent craftsmen

🌞 State-of-the-art technology in premium quality

🌞 Lectures by solar experts: Photovoltaics in general | Storage technology

🌞 Fit for e-mobility

personal - free of charge - non-binding

Now it's all about the sausage!

We would like to have a barbecue - please help us to order the right amount of barbecue sausages and register for our information event without obligation.

Vorname reicht 🙂