Grand Opening Ceremony Q3 Moosmangstraße

Inauguration of Q3 ENERGIE: New location in Kaufbeuren inspires economy and city

Innovative company celebrates move into modern premises and strengthens regional economy

Outdoor area finished
New products built
Champagne on ice

Kaufbeuren, 28 July 2023. Q3 ENERGIE GmbH & Co. KG develops, produces and distributes electronic devices preferably in the fields of renewable energies, self-sufficient power supplies and smart city applications. The company celebrated its move to the new premises in Moosmangstraße in Kaufbeuren with an impressive inauguration ceremony. The company's decision to remain permanently in Kaufbeuren after several successful years in Innovapark and a location in Baden-Württemberg was enthusiastically welcomed by Mayor Bosse and representatives from the business community.

Greeting from the Mayor of Kaufbeuren, Mr Bosse
LEW Greeting Stefan Kindler
Welcome from Managing Director Thomas Neumann

Rund 60 Gäste aus allen Bereichen der Wirtschaft nahmen an der festlichen Veranstaltung teil. Oberbürgermeister Bosse eröffnete die Feier mit einer begeisternden Rede, in der er Q3 ENERGIE für ihre Entscheidung, in Kaufbeuren zu bleiben und zu wachsen, lobte. Er betonte die Bedeutung solch innovativer Unternehmen für die Region und freute sich über die positive Entwicklung in der Stadt.

Auch Stefan Kindler von der LEW richtete ein herzliches Grußwort an Q3 und würdigte die langjährige Zusammenarbeit beider Unternehmen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien. Die enge Partnerschaft habe maßgeblich zur Förderung nachhaltiger Lösungen beigetragen und die Energiewende in der Region gestärkt.

In his speech, Thomas Neumann, Managing Director of Q3, emphasised the outstanding role of his team of employees and the personal relationships with suppliers, customers and network partners, which he described as "entrepreneurial glue". This strong bond had contributed to the success of the company and its products in the fields of renewable energy, self-sufficient power supply and smart city solutions.

Guided tour through the new premises
Guided tour through the electronics lab
Tour through the production

After the inspiring speeches, the participants had the opportunity to visit the laboratory, production and all the new premises of Q3 ENERGIE. The guests took the opportunity to see for themselves the company's modern equipment and innovative technologies.

Q3's inauguration marks an important step for the company and the city of Kaufbeuren. Q3's decision to make a long-term commitment to the region underlines the importance of the location and the progress being made in the field of renewable energy. With its innovative strength and dedicated team, Q3 ENERGIE will continue to play a leading role in the development of sustainable solutions.

Everyone wants a fireman's switch!
We build fireman's switches!
I'm going to be a fireman's switch!