We are very proud that the editors of elektrobörse smarthouse have nominated our EU-funded project SYNCHRONVERTER for the “Product of the Year 2018” in the category of Renewable Energies. Vote for our inverter of the future! The vote will take place online from 21.12. to 28.02.2018 on www.elektroboerse-smarthouse.de. With a little luck you’ll win an attractive price for your vote!… Weiterlesen →
Tag: flywheel
Dobroho ranku!
We are looking forward to our foreign visit and welcome Oleg Pyskovets (3rd fr. left.) and his team from Сонячна Хвиля from Ukraine for training. Our Polish sales representative Markus Wojczyk (on the left) stands aside Q3 CEO Thomas Neumann (2nd fr. left) as an interpreter. With the introduction of an attractive feed-in tariff and the adoption of a new… Weiterlesen →