PV storage Agriculture – trade – industry

Farms as well as commercial and industrial buildings offer large areas for photovoltaics. Many large PV systems can be found in the agricultural sector in particular, and the electricity is usually fed into the grid. What if the feed-in tariff is discontinued? If operators want to become more independent, participate in the energy transition and keep control of their energy costs?

Large and commercial storage tanks require more extensive planning than domestic storage tanks. We would like to support you in keeping an eye on the many technical, legal and commercial aspects so that you can find the right solution for your industrial, commercial and agricultural operations for their individual application.

Whether reactive power compensation, island operation, smoothing load peaks, zero feed-in, the marketing of balancing power, the 7,000-hour rule, island operation, bridging grid outages, the operation of charging stations, whether PV or wind or biogas, we will help you find the best solution for your customers.

We are therefore planning an online or on-site training course (Kaufbeuren) specifically on commercial storage systems and their areas of application. Does that sound interesting to you? Then please help us to plan the ideal training course for you!

We offer online training free of charge. An on-site training course includes a nominal fee of 100 euros per person for documents and catering. If you wish to purchase a storage system from us, we will of course credit the nominal fee back to you.

By the way: We are currently researching the potential for optimizing self-consumption, especially for farms in rural areas, in the joint project SmartFarm2, together with the University of Bremen, the Steinbeis Innovation Centre and nD-enerserve from Hanover. Interesting project! Further information can be found at www.smartfarm2.de.


Let's plan the training together!

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