Our blog – Questions about the electricity storage system

Electricity storage blog

For interested parties and non-technicians, we have created the website www.qbatt.de, where we explain how an electricity storage system works.

Here you will find a blog with the most common questions from those who want to delve a little deeper into the topic of electricity storage for photovoltaic systems. We try to get to the heart of the individual focal points in a simple and uncomplicated way.

This includes questions such as:

  • We already have a PV system. Do we have to have them converted?
  • How long does electricity last in the power storage unit?
  • How big does a storage unit need to be?
  • What happens if the power goes out?
  • I've heard that lithium batteries explode!
  • Does a storage system have to be 3-phase?
  • Why lithium batteries and not lead?
  • ...


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>> Online blog for consumers

Questions about the electricity storage system