Experience the unique QFire PV disconnector for up to 16 strings at SOLARSOLUTIONS DÜSSELDORF

PV disconnectors at SolarSolutions Düsseldorf

Discover our QFire PV disconnector!

We look forward to presenting our QFire PV disconnector live and in action at SolarSolutions Düsseldorf. Just this year, the European Parliament passed the so-called EU solar standard, according to which solar installations on new commercial and public buildings are mandatory until the end of 2026. Although the so-called fire switches are not mandatory for these types of buildings, they can be part of the safety concept for public and commercial buildings, depending on the system design and location.

Our QFire PV disconnector is very special and unique because

  • This is planned to match your system
  • it varies according to the number of strings (up to 16 inputs and outputs per box)
  • we integrate overvoltage protection or fuses in the positive and/or negative pole according to your requirements
  • it comes in a plastic or metal housing, in plug or terminal technology
  • we can also reduce the number of strings in the same way as GAK
  • it is certified according to IEC 60947-3
  • it switches back on automatically
  • galvanic isolation is arc-free via special high-power relays
PV disconnector Made in Germany

QFire PV fire circuit breakers from Q3 ENERGIE are considered the gold standard in generator disconnection and are therefore used to protect large-scale projects.
Jörg Steimann, e.systeme 21 GmbH

Modern and innovative technologies "Made in Germany" ensure the continuation of our prosperity and the future of our children. Q3 has been active in the development and production of solar technologies for almost one and a half decades and is introducing the QFire PV load-break switch, a pioneering switch-off technology for PV systems up to the megawatt range.

Basic information on the QFire PV disconnector

The control box is installed centrally near the inverter or at another accessible point on the AC grid. The switch boxes are installed close to the module, from where cables can be switched off safely and without arcing using special high-performance relays.

The PV system is switched off

  • Manually on the control box
  • via an external emergency stop or key switch
  • Coupled via the fire alarm control panel
  • AC-coupled via the mains in the event of a power failure - the system switches back on automatically when the mains is restored
  • due to undervoltage (e.g. cable break) or severe fluctuations in the AC grid

Special features of the Q3 QFire fireman's switch

The Q3 QFire fire switches for PV systems are certified to IEC 60947-3 and are planned to customer specifications and built by us in Kaufbeuren - Made in Germany. The fireman's switches are customized according to the number of strings (up to 16 per box), integrated overvoltage protection if required (here we install T1+2 as standard, but can install any other desired type) and also integrate fuses in/and positive and negative poles on request.
You have the choice between connector or terminal technology (MC4-Evo 2 from Stäubli as standard), type of housing (some applications require metal housings)... We combine all elements of the connection technology and can therefore also offer string reductions (8 inputs, 4 outputs, for example).

Cluster technology - up to 5 different roof surfaces with one control box

Up to five different roof surfaces can now be approached and switched off with a single control box. In the event of a power failure, all clusters go into a safe state and switch on automatically when the network is restored.

Plug & play for the control line - monitoring - delay switching - planner training - and and and!

We look forward to seeing you!

As a proud exhibitor, we would not only like to present our latest products and innovations in the field of DC disconnectors, but also offer you the opportunity to talk directly to our experts. Take the opportunity to gain in-depth insights into our advanced solutions and find out how they can support your projects.

Our team is at your disposal for questions, discussions and personal advice. We look forward to discussing customized solutions for your specific requirements.

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We would like to invite you to become our VIP! Receive free coffee, tea or a refreshing drink, as well as a snack, a sandwich, free checkroom and a special VIP fast lane in the entrance area. It's worth being quick, VIP places are limited - but you'll definitely get free entry!

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We look forward to seeing you!

As a proud exhibitor, we would not only like to present our latest products and innovations in the field of DC disconnectors, but also offer you the opportunity to talk directly to our experts. Take the opportunity to gain in-depth insights into our advanced solutions and find out how they can support your projects.

Our team is at your disposal for questions, discussions and personal advice. We look forward to discussing customized solutions for your specific requirements.