QFire PV fire department switches optimize safety for the photovoltaic system at Ladenburger

The construction of a large-scale PV power plant with a total output of 4.7 MWp on the hall roofs of the Ladenburger company in Bopfingen represents a significant step towards sustainable energy generation. Since the beginning of May 2023, e.systeme21 has been working on this pioneering project, which not only overcomes ecological but also technical challenges.


Optimization of energy requirements: The experts at e.systeme21 developed a customized system concept that takes into account the company's annual and daily electricity requirements. The plant extends over three large roofs with trapezoidal sheet metal roofing and a large flat roof, and comprises 11,191 modules on a total area of over 22,500 m². The system is adapted to the company's electricity requirements in order to achieve maximum yield.

Feed-in power challenge: Despite the high generation capacity, the responsible grid operator only permitted a feed-in power of 30 kW, which corresponds to a zero feed-in. In order to meet this requirement, a certified process for regulating the feed-in power was established, which is supplemented by redundant safety shutdowns.

Safety as the top priority: Particular attention was paid to safety, especially the protection of the firefighters. The cables are laid on traverses and routed through Q3 fire department switchboxes, which enable both central disconnection - via the fire alarm control panel - and decentralized disconnection - at each relevant traverse. This allows the firefighters to carry out their extinguishing operation safely. It is even possible to safely tear off traverses, should this be necessary for the success of the extinguishing operation.

PV fire department switch Safety photovoltaic system Ladenburger

There were several reasons for choosing the QFire PV fire switches from Q3:

  • High number of DC strings possible, beyond the competitive standard.
  • Overvoltage protection up to 1500 V.
  • High switching current of 15 A per line.
  • Remote switching option.
  • Expert discussion partners with extensive knowledge of large-scale PV projects.
  • Communication in German for clear understanding.
  • Proximity of the companies.
  • Delivery reliability and production quality confirm the decision in the implementation.
  • QFire PV fire circuit breakers from Q3 Energie are considered the gold standard in generator disconnection and are therefore used to protect large-scale projects.


The use of QFire PV fireman's switches from Q3 Energie not only ensures the safe operation of the PV system, but also protects people and property in the event of a fire. With their commitment to safety and sustainability, e.systeme21 and Q3 Energie are setting new standards in the industry and underlining their commitment to acting responsibly.


Jörg Steimann, e.systeme21GmbH


>> more about the Ladenburger customer reference

Generator activation safety photovoltaic system Ladenburger
Generator activation safety photovoltaic system Ladenburger