Category: Information

PV Speichersysteme für die Landwirtschaft

PV storage systems for agriculture

  Large and commercial storage tanks require more extensive planning than domestic storage tanks. We support agricultural businesses as well as industrial and commercial enterprises in finding the right solution for their individual application: – Do I need a storage unit? Yes? No? – How big does my memory need to be? – What power must I be able to… Weiterlesen →

Nominierung Innovationspreis Bayern 2022 QFire Feuerwehrschalter

Nominated for the Bavarian Innovation Award 2022!

Great: Our QFire has been nominated for the Bavarian Innovation Award 2022! The award ceremony will take place in Augsburg in November – please keep your fingers crossed for us! Especially in buildings with increased safety requirements, such as schools, it is essential to be able to safely switch off the photovoltaic system’s direct current lines running through the building… Weiterlesen →

YouTube video explaining the SmartFarm2 research project

Beautifully and simply explained: What is behind the Smartfarm project?

Here, our project partners from O2C* use the example of a test farm to explain in a playful way how the algorithms can help small and medium-sized enterprises - such as farms.
Smartfarm is concerned with effective and optimally controlled energy management. Especially in the context of EEG subsidies, this makes sense for farms that want to generate and consume their own renewable energy. With the highly accurate forecasting models developed in the research project, we are able to make precise predictions that allow an automated system to be used to control large-scale consumers.
* Working Group: AG Optimization and Optimal Control - Domain Energy and Environment (University of Bremen)
The project
Project funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Project partners: Steinbeis Innovation Center for Optimization, Control and Regulation; Q3 ENERGIE GmbH & Co. KG; nD Enerserve GmbH