Generator activation: Fire service switch for Kessler in Abtsgmünd

On our production halls in Abtsgmünd, we generate approx. 13.8 GWh of electrical energy per year on a roof area of approx. 124,000 m² with 31,000 solar modules. Around 55% of the electricity generated on site flows directly into our own production. With the additional electricity fed into the grid, we are making a contribution to climate-neutral energy supply in the region. On sunny Sundays, the system must be curtailed as the capacity of the public grid limits the feed-in.


Even before construction began, it was clear that the focus of this PV power plant would be on safety. In order to minimize risks such as fires or overvoltage damage, switch-off devices had to be installed. Switching 11 MWp in an emergency involves certain risks. Q3 ENERGIE was quickly chosen because of its convincing quality and functionality. However, the standard fire department switches could not be used. Q3 developed the "Big Box" in a metal housing especially for our needs. A total of 80 of these fireman's switches disconnect the DC generator from the inverter with a time delay when triggered in order to minimize voltage dips. As a "lighthouse project", our PV system could have a radiant effect in the region.


David Schürle, Kessler + Co.GmbH+Co.KG


>> more about the lighthouse project

Generator activation: PV fire department switch for Kessler production halls in Abtsgmünd
PV fire department switch for Kessler production halls in Abtsgmünd